Stephanie Davies
Happy Organisations - Humour for Learning - Leadership
If you've followed Independent Thinking over the years and seen any of our Associates in action, you will know that we like to highlight the fact that education is too important to be taken seriously. And Associate Stephanie Davies is who we turn to when it comes to the hard evidence about why that rings so true.
As someone whose career has spanned being mentored as a stand-up comic by Liverpool comedian John Bishop and training at the prestigious Gesundheit! Institute founded by Patch Adams to a Masters in Laughter, Humour and Personal Growth and setting up her own highly-respected business training top businesses and corporations in the power of laughter, Stephanie knows her onions when it comes to making people cry with laughter.
And she is very much at home bringing this understanding of the power of laughter - it's an academic field of study known as 'gelotology' from the Latin for laughter in case anyone asks you - into schools and classrooms across the UK in recent years.
In fact, so committed is Stephanie to helping schools understand how important laughter and happiness is to well-being, community cohesion and improving school results, she even inaugurated the first ever School Happiness Awards, celebrating teachers, teaching assistants, school leaders, support staff and school communities who put happiness at the heart of all they do.

"Help children be happy, resilient and motivated independent thinkers and all else will fall into place."
Stephanie Davies
Recent titles include:
- Leading a happy-centred school
- GSOH! Why humour is an integral skill for communication and resilience in leadership
- The power of inclusive leadership
This serious study of the power of laughter to transform our daily lives, our working environments, our relationships and ourselves, is something that Stephanie has made her life's work.
Through her highly entertaining and practical workshops and conference addresses she is able to share her wisdom, research and experience to highlight the many ways we can all benefit from letting our hair down at work.
These benefits - all backed up by the latest research at Stephanie's fingertips - include reducing stress, enhancing general health and well-being, improving performance, communication and presentation skills, boosting creativity and productivity, encouraging learning, improving memory, building self-esteem and confidence and strengthening and improving relationships at work and at home
So, for a refreshing take on the serious matter of humour at school, tap into Stephanie’s wonderful world of laughter.
Stephanie Davies In Her Own Words
To make an enquiry about booking Stephanie please give us a call on +44 (0)1267 211432 or fill in the Booking Enquiry form.
If you have a date in mind that will help too.
We'll then get back to you reassuringly quickly for a free, no-obligation chat to explore your needs in more detail.
We look forward to hearing from you.
- Stephanie has been with Independent Thinking since 2012
- She was a comedian 'apprentice' to Jon Bishop
- You'll find her work in our Teaching and Learning and Well-Being topic areas
- You can watch Stephanie in conversation with Dave Keeling and Ian Gilbert in 2020 here
- You might also want to consider Dave Keeling or Ian Gilbert
Enjoy a free no-obligation chat.
Make a booking. Haggle a bit.
Give us a call on +44 (0)1267 211432 or drop us a line at
We promise to get back to you reassuringly quickly.