Creating Your Own Guerrilla Curriculum
From Jonathan Lear and Independent Thinking
Jonathan Lear has proven himself to be one of our most sought-after Associates when it comes to speaking about curriculum design.
Author of two popular books on the topic – Guerrilla Teaching and The Monkey-Proof Box – Jonathan's work in the inner-city, multicultural primary school where he is deputy is living proof that there is always another way.
What makes the work at Jonathan's school so impressive is the way he and his colleagues have taken their time to research, trial, adapt and embed the practices that are transforming the lives of their children.
We are now working with Jonathan to help others learn how his school has set about transforming the curriculum through the approach he calls 'guerrilla teaching'.
What's on offer?
A package of support and resources to help your school create and embed a curriculum that develops resilience, independent learning, problem solving, creative thinking skills.
And, of course, high academic attainment in all children.
Why invest in it?
This is an off-the-shelf package for schools that don’t want an off-the-shelf package.
It is neither a quick fix nor an easy route to ‘outstanding’.
It’s far more important than that.
It’s for schools that want to draw on Jonathan experience and expertise in designing and implementing a genuinely transformational school-wide curriculum but who also want to create something unique for - and owned by - their school community in the process.
What does it entail?
• Direct ongoing support from Jonathan in school and online
• The Guerrilla Education resource pack
• Six online support videos
• A free copy of Guerrilla Teaching
• A free copy of The Monkey Proof Box
• Ongoing back-up and support from Independent Thinking
What areas are addressed?
• Purpose and vision
• Sequencing and progression
• Curriculum planning
• Project planning
• Subject development
• Assessment and beyond
Want to know more?
If you want to bring your curriculum alive with real-world experiences that help develop independent, reflective and resilient learners, then where better to learn than from someone who has done it.
Give us a ring on 01267 211432 for a free, no-obligation chat about this unique and proven programme or send us an email and we'll get back to you reassuringly quickly.
A curriculum is not a straight-jacket. It's what you need it to be and what you want it to be.
Jonathan Lear can show you how.

Enjoy a free no-obligation chat.
Make a booking. Haggle a bit.
Give us a call on +44 (0)1267 211432 or drop us a line at
We promise to get back to you reassuringly quickly.