The Botheredness Teacher Development Programme
From Hywel Roberts and Independent Thinking
"I have already implemented what I was taught and have seen huge benefits"
Hywel Roberts is one of the most sought-after educators in the UK today, not only because he is a great speaker but because he is also very much a practitioner.
And it this practice, working in real schools with real children all around the country, that helps those schools transform their practice to make it all together more 'bothered'.
For Hywel, 'botheredness' is all about bringing the curriculum alive with story and creativity, with humour and passion, with challenge and humanity and with a certain sort of magic that moves children from being engaged to be invested in their learning.
We are delighted to be working with Hywel to offer schools the chance to work with him closely on a new sustained programme that will help teachers understand, embrace and embed 'botheredness' in their own practice to improve outcomes for all.
What's on offer?
A four-session package of work directly with Hywel spread over two full-days, a half-day and a twilight session.
Broken up over a number of months, participants will have the opportunity to work with Hywel as he models his best 'botheredness' practice, implement it in their own classrooms and then feedback to inform further improvements.
By the end of the programme, the teachers will not only be proficient in sort of proven techniques that Hywel has developed, they will also be able to act as models of good practice to help spread the 'botheredness' approach across their school.
What's more, every participant will receive a copy of Hywel's latest book, Botheredness: Stories, stance and pedagogy, published by the Independent Thinking Press to help them as they understand and embed the new approach.
Why invest in it?
It's one thing seeing Hywel in action, inspiring though it always is.
It's another thing to actually work with the man himself.
That's what makes this programme so powerful, to work directly with Hywel as he supports you in taking the principles of 'botheredness' and applying them in your way with your children in your classroom.
More than a set of techniques, it's a whole philosophy of child-centered pedagogy that supports all teachers as they bring the curriculum to life in any lesson.
What will be covered in the Botheredness Teacher Development Programme?
Delegates will work closely with Hywel to improve their teaching by:
- Developing practice with professional imagination and rigour
- Being creative in a concrete system
- Employing discerning pedagogical decisions
- Storytelling and learning: the research into how narratives can support progress and attainment in core areas and beyond
- Embracing active practice through drama pedagogy to aid understanding across the Primary curriculum
- Encouraging great oracy across the curriculum
- Discovering powerful 'Botheredness' models as a boon to creative practice, placing learning into contexts that bring the abstract to life
- Enjoying imaginative acetates – how curriculum intent is implemented creatively using practical examples
- Moving from engagement to investment in learning
- Building the bridge between published and lived curriculum
- Exploring how our teacher persona and stance impact learning and progress
- Examine the role of relational approaches on student motivation
- Discover how the use of drama strategies support inclusion and wellbeing
- Explore Oracy – the power of speaking, listening, gesture, body language, and inference.
- Model the role of joy in the classroom to promote learning, motivation and achievement.
What are teachers already saying about the programme?
- "I just had to email you as I've just had a wonderful English lesson where the children were learning all about Boudicca and I was able to use some Botheredness techniques."
- "We are currently working towards writing a biography about Boudicca so I did teacher in role (not as daunting as I thought it might be!) and then did some dilemma space work and character questions. I was so impressed with the children and I think it was one of the most rewarding lessons I've ever taught. "
- "I'm looking at my planning for next week and I'm feeling so inspired since the training. I've already managed to incorporate Botheredness into this week's PSHE and History and into the next English topic we're doing. Can't wait to get started. Thank you once again."
- "I had THE best time on Wednesday. I've already used everything you showed us in class. The kids were completely hooked and the writing we got out of it was the most they've ever done. Exactly like you said, they were acting it out on the yard at break too. Amazing!"
What does the programme look like?
While the programme can be adapted to meet the exact needs of a schools, group of schools or MAT, a guide outline would be as follows:
Session One - Full Day
Making Learning Matter
Session Two - Morning Only
Botheredness in Action: Model Teaching
Session Three - Two-Hour Twilight
Knowledge, Story, and Practical Pedagogy
Session Four - Full Day
Knowledge Exchange and Celebration
Special introductory prices
The special introductory price for this intensive and personalised programme is £1200 plus VAT per participant.
There needs to be a minimum of eight teachers signed up from within a MAT or cohort of schools who are committed to all four sessions.
Want to know more?
Places are limited as Hywel is so busy with his many speaking engagements but if the idea of transforming teaching and learning in your school through 'botheredness' appeals, then please get in touch.
You can give us a ring on 01267 211432 for a free, no-obligation chat about this unique and proven programme or fill in the form below or send us an email and we'll get back to you reassuringly quickly.

Hywel Roberts
'Botheredness' is a proven approach to practice that any teacher can embrace and that all children love.
We hope you will appreciate this rare opportunity to work with Hywel as you transform your pedagogy with the magic of 'botheredness'.
Enjoy a free no-obligation chat.
Make a booking. Haggle a bit.
Give us a call on +44 (0)1267 211432 or drop us a line at
We promise to get back to you reassuringly quickly.