Trends Shaping Education 2025
Six Big Questions Posed by the OECD's Latest Report
On January 23rd 2025, the OECD released its Trends Shaping Education 2025 report in Helsinki.
It takes a long hard stare at the world as it is and asks us to reflect on whether our current education systems and processes are up to the job of helping the next generation deal with what this generation is doing to the place – and to each other.
As you read through the questions the report poses below (based around our Six Voices themes) , think about your work in education and the future you are helping to prepare children for.
'While education may not solve the root causes of global conflict, climate change and inequality, can it empower learners to understand, shape and demand the changes they want to see?'
'How can education contribute to human flourishing by enhancing mental health and addressing distress among students and staff?'
'How can education systems support the inclusion of newcomers in national education systems and promote appreciation for diversity among the host population?'
'How can education foster trust in democratic institutions and responsible citizenship to help societies address complex, systemic challenges?'
'How can education foster understanding of the global, regional and local dimensions of challenges such as climate change and contribute to a more sustainable future?'
'How can Arts, literature and music curricula address historical imbalances, reflect national minority perspectives, and include diverse voices from around the world?'
Your Bonus Video
Here is the official launch of the report recorded in Helsinki on 23rd January.
After Andreas Schleicher does his bit watch out for a cameo appearance from the English permanent secretary for education...

Trends Shaping Education 2025

Our stated view is that education has one simple job, to make things better.
We really need it to be doing that job at the moment. [ITL]
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