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Six Quick Things About Inclusion and the Black Experience in Education

What we learned about diversity and inclusion from listening to Associate Rhia Mutombo


Here are Six Quick Things we picked up from listening to Associate Rhia Mutombo on the subject of diversity and inclusion as a Person of Colour working in the education system in the UK:


ONE: Get the names right, staff as well as students

Your name is your identity. It carries it with it meanings that can be personal, religious, geographical, cultural or maybe all of them. Taking the time to get it right – for staff, students and family members – means that identity is valued, respected and seen.


TWO: Our ‘affinity bias’ means we have to actively seek out diverse colleagues

Write out a list of the ten non-family members you are closest to. How many of them look like you, sound like you, dress like you, act like you, are from where you’re from and going where you’re going?


THREE: Our stereotypes dictate our actions

If you think ‘kids from round here/that country/that religion/that race/that part of town/ that background’ are going to behave in a certain way, you will treat them accordingly. The truth could well be very different but will may never know.


FOUR: Black History Month can become Black Experience Month

Rather than spending a month looking backwards and thinking about People of Colour as victims, why not spend a month focusing on their strength? In this way you can look around and celebrate creativity, culture and contribution from People of Colour in all areas of our lives.


FIVE: The onus is not on the POC to address inclusion and diversity in your schools

If you are lucky enough to have People of Colour on your staff (and do check out Black Teachers Connect for more information about attracting and retaining them), it is not their responsibility to change the culture. Like all change processes, it takes time, effort form all involved and the full commitment of the leadership team.


SIX: Establish a Change Network

With so few non-White teachers in our schools – and the ones we do have often voting with their feet and not sticking around – it’s fair to say most schools are in the same position. Reach out to the networks you have to support each other in this vitally important work.


To explore booking Rhia or any of our other Associates helping schools and other organisations address diversity and inclusion, please get in touch for a no-obligation chat. [ITL]

About the author

Rhia Mutombo

Rhia Mutombo is an experienced teacher and middle leader and founder of Black Teachers Connect. With experience of EDI and Change Management in industry too, she is committed to helping schools become more diverse and inclusive to ensure equality of opportunity for staff as well as students

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