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Six Quick Things We Learned from Clevedon School

Here is just some of what Ian Gilbert picked up on a recent visit to the amazing Clevedon School

Independent Thinking founder Ian Gilbert spent a couple of days at Clevedon School in North Somerset last week and was blown away by so much of what he witnessed.

There are so many ways in which the school lives up to its simple but powerful motto, 'Be Kind; Be Brilliant'.

Hosted by by the Head, Jim Smith, an Independent Thinking Associate and author of the best-selling The Lazy Teacher's Handbook, Ian spent time in lessons as well as talking to students and staff.

He even got to gatecrash a trip to see Joseph at the Bristol Hippodrome.

Here is the first instalment of Ian's Six Quick Things about what all schools can learn from the many special things happening in and around Clevedon School.

  1. Even at secondary school, there's no need to shout
  2. Don’t call it ‘mainstream’; call it ‘the wider school’
  3. If your staff and students aren't living the school’s values, you're doing it wrong
  4. ‘How could I have done things differently?’ is a powerfully restorative question to ask the student sitting in the detention you put them in
  5. The Arts is only a fraction of what you teach when you teach The Arts
  6. If your vertical tutor group inter-house championships don't include The World Tablecloth Pulling Championships, you’re doing it wrong.


"Be Kind Be Brilliant"

"Be Kind Be Brilliant"

There is so much going on at the school that is worth sharing to inspire other schools to relook at how they do relationships, belonging and culture.

So, watch this space for six more Six Quick Things coming soon.

In the meantime, you know what to do...

About the author

Ian Gilbert

Ian Gilbert is an award-winning writer, editor, speaker, innovator and the founder of Independent Thinking. Currently based in Finland, he has lived and worked in the UK, mainland Europe, the Middle East, South America and Asia and is privileged to have such a global view of education and education systems.

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