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Requires Improvement

Why Ofsted Must Inspect Primary Schools Separately


A call for change in a guest blog from our friends at the Oxford School of Thought, the UK's only primary education think tank.

The current Ofsted inspection framework, which applies the same model to both primary and secondary schools, fails to recognise the fundamental differences between these two educational phases.

A distinct model for primary school inspections is not just beneficial—it is necessary.

The Problem with a One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Primary education is not merely a preparatory stage for secondary schooling.

While secondary schools operate on a rigid, subject-based timetable, primary schools traditionally have encouraged a more fluid, integrated learning experience.

In an ideal setting, young children are exposed to cross-curricular connections, developing their understanding of how different subjects interrelate.

The current Ofsted framework places an undue emphasis on subject-oriented learning, restricting the flexibility primary schools need to nurture curiosity and holistic development.

The Harmful Impact of Fear-Driven Inspections

Inspections should serve as a mechanism for improvement, but under the current system, fear drives progress.

Teachers and school leaders often feel pressured to meet Ofsted’s rigid criteria rather than focusing on meaningful educational experiences.

This fear-based approach reduces motivation, stifles innovation, and ultimately slows down the progress schools have the potential to make.

Until this fear is removed, real improvement will be limited.

Learning from Wales: A Better Model

We feel that Wales, through Estyn, offers a healthier alternative.

Their model prioritises collaboration and development rather than punitive judgments.

By fostering an environment where schools feel supported rather than scrutinised, Wales has prioritised rapid growth and better outcomes for both students and educators.

England should take note and consider how a separate primary inspection model could achieve similar success.

Requires Improvement – A new model of primary inspection

Oxford School of Thought (OST) – the UK’s only primary education think tank – is calling for an alternative inspection framework tailored specifically to primary schools.

The key elements of this approach include:

·   Recognising primary schools as unique entities rather than scaled-down versions of secondary schools.

·   Focusing on cross-curricular links to reflect how young children learn best.

·   Emphasising teacher-pupil relationships, well-being, and inclusivity.

·   Ensuring inspectors have primary teaching experience, allowing for more informed and relevant evaluations.

·  Integrating schools within their communities, recognising the broader role they play in children’s lives.

You can read our full proposals by downloading our paper, Requires Improvement - Why Ofsted Must Inspect Primary Schools Separately.

A Call for Targeted Change

By moving towards a developmental and collaborative inspection model, Ofsted could shift away from punitive oversight and towards an approach that encourages continuous improvement.

This would not only benefit students but also enhance teacher retention and contribute to children’s mental health.

The recent government reviews on curriculum, assessment, and inclusion make it clear that now is the time for reform.

While the above would benefit all English schools labouring under the current system, it is imperative that Ofsted also acknowledges the distinct and unique needs of primary education.

A new, inspection model – tailored to the specific phase of each school – is the logical and necessary step forward to ensure that all schools are evaluated fairly and effectively.


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